
                XML Interface (XMLI) Specifications

		Version: 0.01
		Date: 5/19/2001

                Ilya Sterin (isterin@ciber.com)
                XMLI provides a driver independent interface to XML drivers
                (XML::CSV, XML::Excel, and many more to come).  XML drivers 
                allow mapping of data defined by other formats to XML, 
                therefore an independent interface is necessary to allow 
                consistant manipulation independent of data formats.

		Copyright (c) Ilya Sterin 2001
		Permission is hereby granted to make and distribute verbatim
    		(complete and unedited) copies of this document. Permission is also
    		granted to translate this document into other languages and formats
    		provided that all text is included.

Section 1  (Purpose)

XMLI will provide a common interface API to XML::* drivers to allow 
conversion of various data type to XML.  XMLI will hide the real driver 
implementation, and will act as a (thin) layer on top of them to provide
common methods.  XMLI will not restrict the driver implementation in 
any way, other than provide required common methods which will be used 
by the user.

Section 2  (Current Implementation)

There are currently two modules, XML::CSV and XML::Excel, available.  
These modules convert CSV and Excel data to XML format.  They allow 
various flexible methods for file and data manipulation as well as 
dumping to XML, XML declaration, and doctype declaration.  The do not 
in any way validate the XML, and are not designed to do so.  Other
modules are more suitable for that task.

Section 3  (Guidelines)

o XMLi will provide a **fast**, **efficient**, and easy interface to 
  convert data types to XML.

o Speed and efficiency is very important since using XMLI within a
  program to convert files to XML and then using other modules for
  XML validation, processing, etc..., already provides huge overhead.
  There should really be very little overhead in using XMLI.

o XMLI itself will be very small and efficient and run on top of
  XML::* drivers to call it's functions.

o XMLI can be written in pure Perl, although if a C interface is
  needed and is proven to work more efficently, it will be implemented.

o XMLI and it's drivers will adapt to object oriented style 
  so that it can easily be inhereted by other modules and used in an
  object oriented fashion.

o XMLI will support UTF-8/UTF-16/ISO-8859-1 character

o XMLI will support dynamic loading of XML::* drivers

o XMLI will be available under GNU or Artistic License, and 
  will be up to the users choice.

Section 4  (Visual Diagram)

				 --- ______\  -------------  ______\  -------------
				|   |  	   / |  XML::CSV   |       / |  CSV file   |
       	 ---------------	| X |         -------------           -------------
	|Perl program	|_____\ | M |______\  -------------  ______\  -------------
	|using XMLI	|     /	| L |      / | XML::Excel  |       / | Excel file  |
	 ---------------	| I |         -------------           -------------
				|   |______\  -------------  ______\  -------------
 				 ---       / |   XML::*    |       / |  .* file    |
                                              -------------           -------------

Section 5 (Functions)

new(driver) || new(driver, \%attr)

  o  Creates a new XMLI object.
  o  Dynamically loads the driver
  o  Sets attributes/defaults

parse_data(file_name, \%attr) || parse_data(\$string, \%attr) || 
                                 parse_data(STDIN, \%attr)

  o  Open the file_name for read if provided one
  o  Read data in from a file_name, $string, or a file handle
  o  Call a parse method of the XML::* driver, passing it the
     reference to data, as well as reference to data structure
     (XMLI->{column_data}), reference to tag names array
     (XMLI->{column_headings}), to load the data into
  o  Receive and process the data structure as needed
  o  close the file handle


  o  Declares XML with version, encoding, and standalone attributes
  o  Sets a XMLI attribute {xml_declare} to the declared string (for
     later processing)


  o  Declares XML doctype with source, location1, location2, and
     subset attributes
  o  Sets a XMLI attribute {doctype_declare} to the declared string
     (for later processing)

print_xml(file_name, \%attr) || print_xml(\$string, \%attr) ||
                                print_xml(STDOUT, \%attr)

  o  Open the file_name for write if provided one
  o  Print the {xml_declare} and {doctype_declare} if applicable
  o  Call a print method of the XML::* driver, passing it
     the reference to the data structure and tag names created by 
     parse_data, as well as the reference to the string or file 
     handle, and various attributes
  o  close the file_handle

Add other methods here..........

Section 5 (Publicly accessible data)


  o  Reference to XML data


  o  Reference to XML tag names


  o  Contains XML declaration


  o  Conatains doctype declaration

Section 6 (XML::* driver implementation)

XMLI will define a XML::* driver implementation interface.
The interface will be as minimal restrictive as possible, other
than provide mandatory methods which are used as callbacks by
XMLI itself.