GENERAL OUTLINE =============== TITLE: GNOME LFS VERSION: Latest 3.0-preX (gcc 3.0 will NOT work) AUTHOR: roryo and mca <gnomeATlinuxfromscratchDOTorg> SYNOPSIS: From LFS to gnucash. HINT: First things first ================== The developers of the assorted gnome applications are churning new releases out at a rate for about 10 per week, it is therefore recommended that you get the latest version of this hint and the new patches. These are available via anonymous CVS at cvs login Press <return> at the password prompt. cvs co gnome-hint This hint has proven quite stable for us, but your mileage will vary. Consider this hint somewhat pre-alpha for now. By using this hint, you agree to provide us with any and all information concerning build failures, runtime failures, and/or any other "feedback" you feel we need. We want to know. You can either email us at the address above or find us on, whichever you prefer. We have created a wget list for all of the packages covered in this hint. It is available at and is quite current (well, usually). Save this list wherever you want, cd into the directory you'd like to save these packages, and run the following: wget -ci /path/to/wget.list Now sit and wait. ;) The URLs are listed in the order they appear in this hint, so you should be able to start compiling as soon as the first file finishes. Pre-build instructions ********************** The build instructions (and a few of the patches) in this hint rely on the following procedures. This is not optional. $GNOME_ROOT, the prefix in which gnome will be installed, is completely up to you. (this assumes you are using bash/sh) export GNOME_ROOT=/opt/GNOME export PATH=$PATH:$GNOME_ROOT/bin echo $GNOME_ROOT/lib >> /etc/ export GNOME_OPTS="--prefix=$GNOME_ROOT --with-gnu-ld --disable-static" alias gcfg='./configure $GNOME_OPTS' If you wish, you can add --disable-nls to the above $GNOME_OPTS. This will prevent the international messages (.po files) from being installed, and will save quite a bit of space. Some packages' configure script will fail with an error about not finding intl/libgettext.h. If so, apply the intl.diff included in the patch tarball. Assuming you used the wget list, you should have a patches-GNOME.tar.bz2. If not, grab it from: Unpack (tar yxvf) this file and it will create a patches/ directory. In this directory, the patches are named <package>-<version>.diff. They are probably quite version specific. The *.wtf files are brief explanations of what and why the patch was needed. To apply: unpack <package>-<version>.tar.gz patch -p0 -i /path/to/<package>-<version>.diff These patches are created from outside the source tree, so you may have to play with -p options depending on where you are. Miscellaneous Notes =================== * New packages If a new version of any package in this hint is available, please use it. We will attempt to keep this hint as current as possible, but we may fail. If a new package is available and is causing problems, we will make a note of it. Also, if you don't mind, drop us an email about the new package, and whether or not our build instructions were ok with it. WARNING: They are leaking a few pre-2.0-alpha packages, most notably control-center. We are not using these yet as they rely on unstable glib/gtk+ versions. Anything requiring pkg-config should be ignored for now. * FHS Compliance This hint is entirely (?) FHS ( compliant. You are by no means bound to these instructions, but we cannot guarantee the same results if you do stray. GNOME is quite large and scattered. Choosing /usr as the $GNOME_PREFIX above will be a very messy decision. * Compiler Optimizations If you don't know what these are, you'll be better off ignoring this. The large majority of these packages will honor the $CFLAGS variable. Those that don't (off the top of my head) are libpng, openssl, libdb, and python. There were some others, but they had to be patched for other reasons so that 'feature' was added. If you have problems with any packages at runtime, please recompile it without *any* optimizations before telling us about it. * Symlinks These symlinks are here to provide other applications easy access to the package's libraries and headers. This saves us (and you) much time and effort in hacking Makefiles and such in an attempt to find them. If you don't follow the symlinking instructions, you are on your own with the detection of these packages by others. * Objective C Several GNOME packages/applications can make use of the objective C compiler, if available. Some packages will fail if you don't install the proper packages to make use of it, others will fail because you don't have it. It is not required in any way. To install the objc compiler, follow the directions for GCC in the shared section of the LFS book (chapter 6, as of 3.0). Make the following change: Instead of: --enable-languages=c,c++ Use: --enable-languages=c,c++,objc Install gcc per the instructions and continue your quest. * TODO - Known bugs/issues * Add dependency notes. GnuCash is a good example. If you wish to skip it, you can skip at least three other packages too. * The default session is ugly. We (or someone) need to replace it with something better. * We need to create a list of what you miss out on by not having an objc compiler. * Rid of the MISSING's. * Esound is a piece of crap and needs rewritten/replaced. Software installation ===================== Prerequisites not covered here ****************************** In addition to a base LFS system, you will need the following: X11: zlib: See the X11 hint for their installation. Pre-GNOME packages ****************** Berzerkeley DB: (3.3.11 specific) UCB's database library. cd build_unix/ ../dist/configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-compat185 \ --enable-static \ --enable-shared make docdir=/usr/doc/Berkeley-DB all install cd /usr/lib/ && ln -s libdb-3.3.a libdb.a sed 's/^DB185/DB/' /usr/include/db_185.h > /usr/include/ mv /usr/include/ /usr/include/db_185.h readline: GNU readline. Command line history and editing. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr make all install cd shlib/ make all install bc: GNU calculator. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-readline sed 's|\(^_PR.*readline.*$\)|/* \1 */|' bc/scan.l > new-scan.l && mv new-scan.l bc/scan.l make all install openssl: Open source SSL library. *** See FHS note! *** See symlink note! export OPENSSL_ROOT=/opt/OpenSSL ./config \ --prefix=$OPENSSL_ROOT \ --openssldir=$OPENSSL_ROOT \ shared make && make install cd /usr/lib for file in lib{crypto,ssl}.{a,so.0.9.6} do ln -s $OPENSSL_ROOT/lib/$file done ln -s ln -s ln -s ln -s cd /usr/include && ln -s $OPENSSL_ROOT/include/openssl unset OPENSSL_ROOT Python: (optional) The Python interpreted programming language. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-threads make all install *** FHS note - if installed anywhere else a symlink must be made from the python binary to /usr/bin/python eg ln -s <path-to-python> /usr/bin/python PostGreSQL: (optional) The most advanced open source SQL server. You should probably read the documentation, but this is how I like it. *** See FHS note! *** See symlink note! export PGSQL_ROOT=/opt/PostGreSQL ./configure \ --prefix=$PGSQL_ROOT \ --with-ssl=/usr \ --disable-static make all install cd /usr/lib for file in lib{pq,pgeasy}.so.2.1; do ln -s $PGSQL_ROOT/lib/$file done ln -s ln -s ln -s ln -s cd /usr/include && ln -s $PGSQL_ROOT/include/postgresql unset PGSQL_ROOT MySQL: (optional) A fast open source SQL server. You should probably read the documentation, but this is how I like it. *** See FHS note! *** See symlink note! export MYSQL_ROOT=/opt/MySQL ./configure \ --prefix=$MYSQL_ROOT \ --disable-static \ --enable-thread-safe-client \ --without-debug \ --without-docs \ --without-bench \ --without-readline \ --with-berkeley-db=./bdb make all install cd /usr/lib && ln -s $MYSQL_ROOT/lib/ && ln -s && ln -s cd /usr/include && ln -s $MYSQL_ROOT/include/mysql unset MYSQL_ROOT libjpeg: Library for accessing jpeg images. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-shared make && make install libpng: Library for accessing png images. cp scripts/makefile.linux Makefile make ZLIBINC=/usr ZLIBLIB=/usr prefix=/usr all install libungif: Library for accessing gif images. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr make all install libtiff: Library for accessing tiff images. ./configure --prefix=/usr --noninteractive make all install (optionally) make lcms: Color correction/management library. Apply the patch cd src/ make all install libmng: Library for accessing mng (animated) images. mng is the Open Source alternative to animated gifs ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --with-zlib=/usr \ --with-jpeg=/usr \ --with-lcms=/usr make all install libiconv: An iconv() implementation that properly supports UTF-*. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-static \ --enable-shared make all install glib: An extension library to glibc. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --enable-threads \ --enable-debug=no make all install NOTE: If you don't like the above prefix, feel free to change it. glib has nothing to do with X, and probably doesn't belong where we put it. Everything that depends upon it will have no trouble locating it as long as it's prefix/bin is in your $PATH, and the prefix/lib is in your /etc/ GTK+: The Gimp Toolkit.. an X11 widget library. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --enable-debug=no make all install ORBit: A CORBA implementation. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 make all install libxml: The gnome-xml library. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --with-zlib=/usr \ --with-buffers make all install libxml2: The xml library. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --with-zlib=/usr \ --with-readline=/usr \ --with-buffers make all install GhostScript: The GhostScript package. Used for post-script and network printing. Apply the patch cd ghostscript-6.51 tar zxvf <path-to-jpeg6bsrc.tar.gz> mv jpeg-6b jpeg ln -s src/unix-gcc.mak Makefile make make install If you are using glibc 2.2.2 or higher, this build will fail. Edit src/time_.h, insert #include <time.h> on line 35. GhostScript Fonts: GhostScript Fonts. cd /usr/X11R6/share/ghostscript tar zxvf <path-to-gnu-gs-fonts.std-6.0.tar.gz> This will create the fonts directory, there are other GhostScript fonts available if you feel so inclined. ImageMagick: Provides many useful image manipulation functions, plus a few handy executables. sed \ 's/-lxml2/-lxml2 -liconv/g' \ configure > configure~ sed \ 's|<lcms.h>|<lcms/lcms.h>|g' \ configure~ > configure ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --enable-shared \ --disable-static \ --without-perl \ --with-ttf-fontpath=/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TrueType make all install NOTE: if you have the TrueType fonts installed in a different path you will have to changes the --with--ttf-fontpath. imlib: Library providing access to all of the above image formats. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --disable-static make all install audiofile: Library providing access to several different audio formats. ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --disable-static make all install esound: The enlightened sound daemon. Apply the patch ./configure \ --prefix=/usr/X11R6 \ --disable-static make all install gtk-engines: GTK+ themes and theme libraries. ./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6 make all install GNOME core packages ******************* MISSING: mc/nautilus popt: Red hat's getopt()-ish replacement. gcfg --enable-static make all install libunicode: Gnome's Unicode interface. gcfg make all install gnome-libs: The core GNOME libraries. Apply the patch gcfg make all install gdk-pixbuf: The gtk+ pixbuf library. gcfg make all install oaf: Object Activation Framework for GNOME. Apply the patch gcfg --enable-oaf-debug=no make all install libghttp: Library for speaking the http protocol. gcfg make all install scrollkeeper: Scrollkeeper Open Documentation Cataloging System. sed 's|=lib/scrollkeeper|=scrollkeeper|g' configure > configure~ cp configure~ configure gcfg make all install gnome-print: GNOME print library. gcfg --with-zlib=/usr make all install bonobo: GNOME component and compound document system. gcfg make all install guile: GNU scheme implementation. Apply the patch gcfg --with-threads make all install slib: Scheme library extension. make prefix=$GNOME_ROOT make prefix=$GNOME_ROOT install GUILE_LOAD_PATH=$GNOME_ROOT/share/guile/slib \ guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'new-catalog)" GConf: A configuration database system. Apply the patch gcfg --enable-debug=no make all install mv $GNOME_ROOT/etc/gconf/1/path.example $GNOME_ROOT/etc/gconf/1/path gnome-vfs: GNOME virtual file system. Apply the patch gcfg make all install control-center: GNOME configuration tool. gcfg make all install libglade: Library for loading glade interface files at runtime. gcfg --enable-bonobo --disable-bonobotest make all install bug-buddy: Gnome front-end to bugzilla for submitting bug reports. gcfg make all install pygtk: GTK+ python bindings. ./configure --prefix=/usr make all install gal: GNOME Application library. gcfg make all install w3c-libwww: w3c's www-ish libraries. Apply the patch gcfg \ --with-zlib \ --with-md5 \ --with-ssl make all install glibwww: Glib extension for access to w3c-libwww gcfg make all install gtkhtml: An html parsing library. Apply the patch gcfg \ --with-bonobo \ --without-gconf make all install libgtop: Library for accessing /proc. (If build fails because of ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS, add #define ISDN_MAX_CHANNELS 64 to the .c file that failed and recompile. This is a kernel issue. 2.4.6 has fixed it.) gcfg make all install gmp: GNU's precision math library. gcfg make all install gdbm: GNU's dbm replacement library. gcfg make BINOWN=root BINGRP=root all install librep: Lisp implementation. Apply the patch. gcfg --with-readline make all install rep-gtk: Lisp bindings for GTK+. gcfg \ --with-libglade \ --with-gdk-pixbuf \ --with-gnome-canvas-pixbuf make all install gob: GTK+ Object Builder. gcfg make all install libxslt: XSLT support for libxml. gcfg make all install libgda: Library to interface SQL servers. sed 's/libmysqlclient.a/' configure > sed 's/\(ORB.*\)which\(.*\)/\1type -p\2/' > configure gcfg \ --with-mysql=/opt/MySQL \ --with-postgres=/opt/PostGreSQL make all install sawfish: The Sawfish window manager. gcfg \ --with-gdk-pixbuf \ --disable-linguas make all install cp Sawfish.desktop $GNOME_ROOT/share/gnome/wm-properties/ gnome-core: Core GNOME applications. Apply the patch gcfg \ --with-window-manager=sawfish \ --enable-gtkhtml-help make all install gnome-common: Autoconf/make files for GNOME. gcfg make all install gnome-objc: (optional) *** See the OBJC note Objective C bindings for GNOME. gcfg make all install gnome-admin: Administration utilities. gcfg --with-messages=/var/log/sys.log make all install gnome-applets: Many different GNOME applets. gcfg make all install gnome-audio: Sounds. make install gnome-python: (optional) Python binding for GNOME gcfg --with-gtkhtml make all install gnome-games: Games! gcfg make all install gnome-media: Multimedia applications. gcfg make all install gnome-network: Network applications/utilities. If you don't have objc (see note), apply the patch. gcfg make all install gnome-pim: Personal information manager for GNOME. gcfg make all install gnome-utils: Several miscellaneous utilities. Apply the patch gcfg --with-messages=/var/log/sys.log make all install xscreensaver: Screensavers! gcfg \ --with-gtk \ --with-gnome \ --enable-subdir=xdemos make all install gnome-user-docs: GNOME Documentation. gcfg make all install users-guide: More GNOME documentation. gcfg make all install GNOME applications ****************** MISSING: Evolution, Galeon dia: Diagram creation application. gcfg \ --enable-gnome \ --enable-bonobo \ --enable-debug=no \ --with-python make all install g-wrap: Glib scheme bindings. gcfg make all install libole2: MS OLE library. gcfg make all install gb: GNOME-basic. (Yes, kinda like visual-basic). Apply the patch gcfg --without-runtime-debug make all install gnumeric: GNU Spreadsheet application. Apply the patch gcfg \ --with-bonobo \ --with-guile \ --with-gb \ --with-python make all install Guppi: Library for creating/drawing graphs and charts. gcfg --enable-gnumeric make all install glade: A quick GUI IDE. gcfg \ --with-gnome \ --with-bonobo \ --disable-gnome-db make all install gnucash: GNU money management program.. quite similar to quickbooks and such. Apply the patch gcfg (add --enable-sql if you have postgres) make all install abiword: GNU Word processor. Apply the patch cd abiword/abi/src/ make \ prefix=$GNOME_ROOT \ ABI_OPT_GNOME=1 \ ABI_OPT_BONOBO=1 \ OPTIMIZER="$CFLAGS \ -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include \ -L$GNOME_ROOT/lib -I$GNOME_ROOT/include \ -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include" make install \ prefix=$GNOME_ROOT \ ABI_OPT_GNOME=1 \ ABI_OPT_BONOBO=1 \ OPTIMIZER="$CFLAGS \ -L/usr/X11R6/lib -I/usr/X11R6/include \ -L$GNOME_ROOT/lib -I$GNOME_ROOT/include \ -L/usr/local/lib -I/usr/local/include" Other apps ********** There are many more gnome applications out there, but most are a fairly simple build and aren't (yet) covered in this hint. A few you may wish to check out are: * GTM - Gnome Transfer Manager (a nice little download manager) * PAN - Pimp Ass Newsreader * Encompass - gtkhtml based browser * xChat - the best GUI irc client, 'nuff said * gnotepad - gvim owns, but nice for mutilple docs at once * Balsa - nice stable GUI mail app, based on Pine * xmms - if you dont know what it is, when we give up ;) * Pharmacy - Gnome CVS front end * Gimp - the root of it all, graphics app, total ownage * EOG - Eye of Gnome.. an image viewer * GQView - a better gtk+ based image viewer Frequently Asked Questions ========================== Q: How do I properly start gnome? A: You do one of the following: echo gnome-session > ~/.xinitrc or, if you wish to enable those annoying little sounds, echo gnome-session --enable-sound > ~/.xinitrc Q: I'm trying to build packageXXX from CVS sources, or just regenerate its configure script from, but autoconf bitches about not having some other gnome package installed. WTF? A: Autoconf is dumb and can/will only use one search directory for the .m4 files these packages install. You should probably do the following: mv $GNOME_PREFIX/share/aclocal/* /usr/share/aclocal/ && rm -r $GNOME_PREFIX/share/aclocal && cd $GNOME_PREFIX/share && ln -s /usr/share/aclocal Q: Am I stupid? A: Obviously, yes. ============ End of hint.