TITLE: LFS 4.1 using static-pwd hack LFS VERSION: 4.1 AUTHOR: Ronald Hummelink <ronald AT hummelink DOT xs4all DOT nl> SYNOPSIS: How to install Linux From Scratch 4.1 from a pre glibc-2.3.x system using the static password lib hack ACKNOWLEDGEMENS: Grant Leslie for inventing the hack. CHANGELOG: 1.2 07-03-2002 Mention the glibc-2.3.1-libnss patch is not needed 1.1 05-03-2002 Initial release HINT: Use the hint at your own risk. Neither the author, nor the Linux From Scratch project accepts any reponsibility for anything that happens when using these documents or associated files. You may freely copy this document or create derivate works or distribute the document in any format. At your discretion, you may give credit to the original author:) Comments and improvements are welcome at the email address mentioned above in the author field. When installing Linux From Scratch with glibc 2.3.1 from a system with an older glibc version installed several binaries will crash with a segmentation fault when attempting to access the libnss libraries. This is due to an incompatibility between the static binaries (linked with old glibc) and the new nss libraries. This hint describes how to work around this problem by compiling a small library that will replace the passwd and group resolving functions avoiding the binaries to crash. The work-around only involves a number of changes to chapter 5 of the LFS book. The hint will only list instructions for the packages that have changed instructions. Before building bash you need to compile the static-pwd libary Download the static-pwd package from: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/~scot/static-pwd.tar.bz2 Extract the tarball normally and cd into the created directory Build libpwd.a: make && export LFS_LIBS=$(pwd) export LFS_LIBS=$(pwd): This command sets an environment variable to aid in linking this library with some of the later installed programs. Bash-2.05a Install Bash by running the following commands: CFLAGS="-I$LFS_LIBS" ./configure --enable-static-link \ --prefix=$LFS/static --with-curses && make LOCAL_LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a" && make install CFLAGS="-I$LFS_LIBS": This adds the static-pwd directory to the library search path. LOCAL_LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a": This adds the static-pwd stub library to the library list. Fileutils-4.1 If you need the fileutils patch, apply it: patch -Np1 -i ../fileutils-4.1.patch Install Fileutils by running the following commands: LDFLAGS=-static CFLAGS="-I$LFS_LIBS" \ ./configure --disable-nls --prefix=$LFS/static && make LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a" && make install LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a": This adds the static_pwd stub library to the library list. Findutils-4.1 Install Findutils by running the following commands: patch -Np1 -i ../findutils-4.1.patch && CPPFLAGS=-Dre_max_failures=re_max_failures2 \ CFLAGS="-I$LFS_LIBS" ./configure --prefix=$LFS/static && make LDFLAGS=-static LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a" && make install Make-3.80 Install Make by running the following commands: CFLAGS="-I$LFS_LIBS" ./configure \ --prefix=$LFS/static --disable-nls && make LDFLAGS=-static LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a" && make install Sh-utils-2.0 If you need the sh-utils patch, apply it: patch -Np1 -i ../sh-utils-2.0.patch Install Sh-utils by running the following commands: CFLAGS="-I$LFS_LIBS" ./configure --prefix=$LFS/static \ --disable-nls && make LDFLAGS=-static LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a" && make install Tar-1.13 If you want the tar patch, apply it: patch -Np1 -i ../tar-1.13.patch Install Tar by running the following commands: CFLAGS="-I$LFS_LIBS" ./configure \ --prefix=$LFS/static --disable-nls && make LDFLAGS=-static LIBS="$LFS_LIBS/libpwd.a" && make install All the other packages build in chapter 5 are build with the normal instructions as given in the book. Optionally you can create the passwd and group files before chrooting into the chapter 5 system. This is purely cosmetic however, you won't get the "I have no name" prompt from bash. mkdir $LFS/etc && echo "root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash" > $LFS/etc/passwd cat > $LFS/etc/group << "EOF" root:x:0: bin:x:1: sys:x:2: kmem:x:3: tty:x:4: tape:x:5: daemon:x:6: floppy:x:7: disk:x:8: lp:x:9: dialout:x:10: audio:x:11: EOF If you do this you can also change the command to change the ownership from the lfs user to: chown -R root:root /static /etc/passwd /etc/group You should from now on be able to complete chapter 6 without encountering segmentation faults. When installing glibc, the glibc-2.3.1-libnss patch is not needed anymore. It is cleaner to omit the patch but it won't hurt to apply it if you do decide to rebuild glibc at the end of chapter 6.